WWW.AFLAC.COM | 845-987-6435

Altman Land Construction Corp

Ari Altman

altmanland.com | 908-770-8283

Apple Ice

Apple Ice

Cono Cimino, Jacquie Moore

www.appleice.com | 516-860-6001

Armistead Mechanical, Inc.

Kevin Armistead

www.armisteadmechanical.com | 201-345-2300

Associated Mutual Insurance Cooperative

Associated Mutual Insurance Cooperative

Guy Jollie

www.associatedmutual.com | 845-434-4550



Scott F. Perry

www.atlassecurityserrvices.us | 8457426987

Beer World

Beer World

Saumik Patel

www.beerworldstore.com | 914-799-0305

Berger Engineering and Surveying PLLC

Berger Engineering and Surveying PLLC

Joseph Berger

bergerengr.com | 845-471-7383

Bethel Woods Center for the Arts

Bethel Woods Center for the Arts

Maureen Michulski

bethelwoodscenter.org |

Billig, Loughlin and Silver, LLP

Billig, Loughlin and Silver, LLP

Gary Silver, Jacob Billig, Eve Mauri

www.blslaw.net | 845-794-3833

Birchwood Lodge, Inc.

Birchwood Lodge, Inc.

Michael Zalkin

| 845-798-4418

Blustein, Shapiro, Frank & Barone, LLP

Blustein, Shapiro, Frank & Barone, LLP

Michael Blustein, ,

https://mid-hudsonlaw.com/ | 845-291-0011

Bold Gold Media Group, LP/Thunder 102

Bold Gold Media Group, LP/Thunder 102

Vince Benedetto, Dawn Ciorciari

www.boldgoldmedia.com | 845-292-7535

Boyce Excavating Co., Inc.

Boyce Excavating Co., Inc.

Josh Strang

www.boyceexcavating.net | 845-343-5400

Brown & Weinraub PLLC






C.T. Male Associates

C.T. Male Associates

Jim McIver

https://www.ctmale.com/ | 845.454.4400

Capacity Marketing

Capacity Marketing

Matthew Dorcas

www.capacitymarketinginc.com | 845-430-5277

Catania, Mahon & Rider

Catania, Mahon & Rider

Angela Szajko, Michelle Rider, Michael Catania

www.cmrlaw.com | 8455694323

Catskill Hudson Bank

Catskill Hudson Bank

Kevin McLaren

www.catskillhudsonbank.com | 845-334-0050

Catskill Provisions/Catskill Cocktails and Cannolis

Catskill Provisions/Catskill Cocktails and Cannolis

Darla Schields

Catskillprovisions.com | 914-850-1248

Champion Elevator Corp.

Champion Elevator Corp.

Amy DiPaolo, Donald Gelestino

champion-elevator.com | 2122924430

Clean Path NY

Clean Path NY

Matt Powers

| 518-573-4593

Colliers Engineering & Design

Andrew Fetherston

| 8455482603



Frank Campagna

https://colorpageonline.com/ | (845) 331-7581

Combined Energy Services

Combined Energy Services

Michael Taylor

www.combinedenergyservices.com | 845-794-6226

Connell Foley

Connell Foley

George Duke

connellfoley.com | 212.307.3700

Consigli Construction Co., Inc.

Joseph A Volpe

www.consigli.com | (845)707-3704

Cooper Arias LLP

Cooper Arias LLP

Greg Cooper

www.cooperarias.com | 845-796-1800

County of Sullivan

County of Sullivan

Joshua Potosek, Dan Hust

www.sullivanny.us | 845-807-0450

County of Sullivan IDA

Jen Flad

www.sullivanida.com | 845-428-7575

Creighton Manning Engineering

Creighton Manning Engineering

Shelly Johnston

www.cmellp.com | 5184460396

Crown Castle

Crown Castle

Terry Flood

www.crowncastle.com | 845-458-7211

Cuddy & Feder, LLP

Cuddy & Feder, LLP

Anthony F. Morando, Ashley Steinberger

www.cuddyfeder.com | 845 896 2229

Deb El Foods

Elliot Gibber

www.debelfoods.com | 908-351-0330

DEC Office Solutions

Garrett Welch

www.decofficesolutions.com | 8459421400

Delaware Engineering DPC

Delaware Engineering DPC

John Brust, Elizabeth Horvath

www.delawareengineering.com | 518-452-1290

Delaware River Solar LLC

Delaware River Solar LLC

Mark McClaren

www.delawareriversolar.com | 845-414-3490

Delaware Valley Job Corps./Adams and Associates Inc.

Delaware Valley Job Corps./Adams and Associates Inc.

Matthew Bliefernich

www.delawarevalley.jobcorps.gov | 845-887-5400

Do Good Spirits

Do Good Spirits

Brian Facquet

www.prohibitiondistillery.com | 917-685-8989

Domes At Catskills

Domes At Catskills


Drapkin Strategies

Jonathan Drapkin

| 845-527-3101

DTS Provident

DTS Provident

Carlito Holt

www.dtsprovident.com | 914-428-0010

E-J Electric Installation Co.

Jason Barton

ej1899.com | 845-797-2507

E. Tetz & Sons LLC

E. Tetz & Sons LLC

Joe Tetz III

| 845-692-4486

E.L.E.C. 825

E.L.E.C. 825

Mike Ham

www.elec825.org | 845-674-9021

Ecological Analysis, LLC

Ecological Analysis, LLC

James Bates

www.4ecological.com | 845-495-0123

EPR Properties

EPR Properties

Paul Turvey

www.eprkc.com | 816-472-1700

Fallsburg Lumber Co, Inc.

Fallsburg Lumber Co, Inc.

Ellen Levine

www.fallsburglumberco.com | 845-434-6161

FisherMears Associates

FisherMears Associates

Strategic Marketing Communications

fishermears.com | 845-798-3636

Floral Cottage LLC & Lawnsmith LLC

Floral Cottage LLC & Lawnsmith LLC

Susan Smith, Joseph Smith

www.floralcottageweddings.com | 845-469-4020

Focus Media, Inc.

Focus Media, Inc.

Josh Sommers

www.advertisingandpr.com | 845-294-3342

Foster Supply Hospitality

Foster Supply Hospitality

Christine Monello

www.fostersupplyco.com | 845-439-5070

Franny's Photography Studio

Francine Rambousek

https://frannysphotographystudio.com/ |

Garigliano Law Offices, LLP

Walter Garigliano

| 845-796-1010

Garnet Health Medical Center Catskills

Garnet Health Medical Center Catskills

Jerry Dunlavey

https://www.garnethealth.org/locations/garnet-health-medical-center-catskills-harris-campus | 845-794-3300

Generational Modular Group, LLC

Generational Modular Group, LLC

Justin DePhillips

generationalmodular.com | 15709034840

Granite Associates Inc.

Igor Birman

| 845-295-2795

Grey's Woodworks, Inc.

Grey's Woodworks, Inc.

Bob & Beth Mickelson

www.greyswoodworks.com | 845-985-7006

Griffiths Engineering, LLC

Griffiths Engineering, LLC

Dan Griffiths, Tracy Holgash

www.griffithsengineering.com | 6072378131

Here's Help Staffing & Recruiting

Here's Help Staffing & Recruiting

Cathy Parlapiano

www.hereshelp.com | 845-344-3434

Holt Construction Corp.

Holt Construction Corp.

Dan Depew

www.holtcc.com | (845) 735-4054

HONOR ehg, Inc.

Chris Molinelli, Kathleen Morgan, Chris Molinelli, Liz Schmidt

www.honorhelpingothers.org | 845-343-7115

Horsefly Group

Horsefly Group

CJ Millar

horseflygroup.com | 973-626-3673

Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, Inc.

Hospice of Orange & Sullivan Counties, Inc.

Sandra Cassese

www.hospiceoforange.com | 845-561-5362

Hudson Commercial Real Estate Corp.

Sam Finnerman

www.hudsoncommercial.com | 8454541444

Hudson Valley Investment Advisors, Inc.

Hudson Valley Investment Advisors, Inc.

Curt Schultzberg

www.hviaonline.com | 845-294-6127

Hudson Valley Kitchen Design

Hudson Valley Kitchen Design

James Bruyn

www.HudsonValleyKitchens.com | 845-615-9410

HV Realty Services, Inc.

HV Realty Services, Inc.

Jerry Casesa, Jerry Casesa, Chris Casesa

HVRSinc.com | 8453425700

Intelligent IT Designs

Intelligent IT Designs


www.intelligentitdesigns.com | 9147124122

J&G Law, LLP

J&G Law, LLP

Valerie Gross, Valerie Gross

www.jglaw.law | 845-778-2121

J. Hoffman Insurance

J. Hoffman Insurance

Jason & Vicki Hoffman

www.jhoffmaninsurance.com | 8452394787

Jacktown Pest Management LLC

Jacktown Pest Management LLC

Tim Nichols

www.jacktownpestmanagement.com | 8454285086

Jason Lichwick Architecture PLLC

Jason Lichwick Architecture PLLC

Jason Lichwick

jasonlichwick.com | 845-284-6344

Jeff Bank

Jeff Bank

George Kinne

www.jeff.bank | 845-482-4000

John Leigh, AAMS Financial Advisor/Edward Jones

John Leigh, AAMS Financial Advisor/Edward Jones

John Leigh

www.edwardjones.com/John-Leigh | 845-227-5831

JP Morgan Chase

Barbara Scroggin

| 914-993-2280

KARC Planning Consultants, Inc.

KARC Planning Consultants, Inc.

Kelly Libolt, Eileen O'Neil

karcpc.com | 845-594-1055

Keller Signs/Outdoor Media Corp.

Keller Signs/Outdoor Media Corp.

Michael Cassaro, Sandra Ramos

www.outdoormediacorp.com | 845-583-7400

Keller Williams Hudson Valley United

Keller Williams Hudson Valley United

RoseMarie Pelatti

www.KellerWilliamsUnited.com | 845-610-6080

Kevin's Restaurant

Denise Moderno-May

| 8452834975

Keystone Associates

Keystone Associates

Kenneth D. Ellsworh, P.E.

www.keystoneassociatesllc.com | 607-722-1100



Rocco Baldassari

www.kittatinny.com | 15708407187

Kristt Kelly Office Systems Corp.

Kristt Kelly Office Systems Corp.

Les Kristt

www.kristt.com | 845-794-6639

La Belle Farm, Inc.

La Belle Farm, Inc.

Herman Lee

www.lebellefarms.com | 845-295-0063

Laborers Local 17 Lecet

Laborers Local 17 Lecet

Todd Diorio

| 845-565-2737

LAN Associates

LAN Associates

Jennifer Mannino, Matthew Milnamow, Taylor Thomas

www.lanassociates.com | 201-447-6400

Lanc & Tully Engineering and Surveying PC

Lanc & Tully Engineering and Surveying PC

John Russo

www.lanctully.com | 845-294-3700

LeChase Woodstone

LeChase Woodstone

Stephen Bills

www.lechase.com | 585-254-3510

Lerner Pavlick Realty

Barbara Lerner

| 845-794-1900

Liberty Business Park

Liberty Business Park

Sam Eisenberg


Liberty Diner & Restaurant

Liberty Diner & Restaurant

Irene Tsicalos

Www.Thelibertydiner.com | 8452928973

Liberty Iron Works/Neversink Steel Corp.

Liberty Iron Works/Neversink Steel Corp.

Barbara Siegel

www.libertyironworks.com | 845-292-4611

Liberty Mutual Insurance

Liberty Mutual Insurance

Katrina Graby, Katrina Graby

https://www.libertymutual.com/insurance-agent/new-york/middletown-0225 | 845-594-8377

Live Fre Inc.

Michael Dennedy

www.livefreinc.com | 646.706.6737

Livingston Farm

Stefan Martinovic

Livingston.Farm | 4152469644

Livingston Legacy Holdings LLC

Livingston Legacy Holdings LLC

Shuji Yagi, Michael Tucker

| 2122283030

Luzon Environmental Services

John Lopez


Main Street Mews

Main Street Mews

Adam Gold

https://234mainstreetmews.com | 914 490-3433

Majek Furniture

William Cuttita

majekfurniture.com | 845-796-4800

Malek Properties

Malek Properties

Carol Malek

www.malekproperties.com | 845-798-2300

Marshall & Sterling Monticello Branch

Marshall & Sterling Monticello Branch

Irene Jones

www.marshallsterling.com | 845-794-5544 x 2603

Mathes Public Affairs

Mathes Public Affairs

Sandy Mathes, Jr.

| 518-731-5000

MB3 Inc., dba Civix

MB3 Inc., dba Civix

Kelsey Hornicek, Kelsey Hornicek

www.gocivix.com | 845-649-4541

MDL Excavating & Landscaping, LLC

Marc Labuda

www.mdlexcavating.com | 845-741-5713


Dominick DiViesti

| (845) 713-4598

Media Solstice Marketing & PR

Media Solstice Marketing & PR

Jessica Gardner

https://mediasolstice.com/ | 845-202-0006

Meeting Tree Computer Corp.

Meeting Tree Computer Corp.

Monique Duci, Ed Shanker, Monique Duci

www.meetingtreecomputer.com | 845-237-2117

Mercurio-Norton-Tarolli-Marshall Engineering & Land Surveying, P.C.

Mercurio-Norton-Tarolli-Marshall Engineering & Land Surveying, P.C.

Lawrence Marshall

www.mntm.co | 845-744-3620

MHE Engineering, D.P.C.

MHE Engineering, D.P.C.

Danielle Sorvillo, Lyle R. Shute, P.E., LEED-AP

www.mhepc.com | 845-567-3100

Michael Bloom Photography

Mike Bloom

| 845-798-5507

Mid Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union

Mid Hudson Valley Federal Credit Union

Nicole Tompkins, Taylor Craig

https://www.mhvfcu.com/ | 845-336-4444

Mike Preis Inc.

Mike Preis Inc.

David Bodenstein, Mike Preis Inc, Beth A. White

www.mikepreis.com | 845-482-5510

Millennium Pipeline Company LLC

Millennium Pipeline Company LLC

James Wilson

www.milleniumpipeline.com | 845-620-1300

Monticello Central School District

Matthew T. Evans, Ed.D., Beth Culligan

www.monticelloschools.net | 845-794-7700

Monticello Motor Club, LLC

Monticello Motor Club, LLC

Suzanne Forni Gonzalez

www.monticellomotorclub.com | 845-796-7223

New Southern Tier Title Agency, LLC

New Southern Tier Title Agency, LLC

Carol Ehrets

www.southerntiertitle.com | 845-791-7777

North Atlantic States Regional Council of Carpenters

Melissa Clark

| 7322155341

NVS Land/Chapin Estate

Steve Dubrovsky

www.chapinestate.com | 845-583-6500



Melany Putman, Lisa Culhane

www.nyseg.com | 585-484-5350

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.

Orange and Rockland Utilities, Inc.

Deborah Patterson

www.oru.com | 845-577-2498

Orange Bank & Trust Company

Orange Bank & Trust Company

Candice Varetoni

www.orangecountytrust.com | (845) 341-5000

P.W. Grosser Consulting

Kris Almskog

www.pwgrosser.com | 631-589-6353

Party Master-Master Group of NY

Party Master-Master Group of NY

Perry Gips

www.partymaster.us | 845-434-6210

Pasta D’Oro Restaurant

Pasta D’Oro Restaurant

Edison Narkaj

https://www.pastadoro.net/ | (845) 644-4530



Amanda Gesztesi

www.paychex.com | 845-490-5525

Perreca Electric Co., Inc.

Kurt Kaehler

www.perreca.com | 845-562-4080

Prestige Energy Solutions

Prestige Energy Solutions

Corey Nash Gips

https://www.prestigenrg.com/ | 845-442-0136

Prestige Towing & Recovery

Prestige Towing & Recovery

Sean Brooks

| 845-794-8522

Rand Commercial

Rand Commercial

John Lavelle

www.real-estate-solution.com | 845-744-2095



Jonathan Rouis, Erin Blabac

www.rbtcpas.com | 845-286-1839

Resorts World Catskills

Resorts World Catskills

Meghan Taylor, Anthony Bruno

www.rwcatskills.com |

Rhinebeck Bank

www.rhinebeckbank.com | 845-454-8555

Riato Stone, LLC

Gina Scandariato, James Scandariato

| 845-747-9695

Riggs Plumbing & Heating LLC

Riggs Plumbing & Heating LLC

Erika Ribaudo

| 845-513-6400

Robert Green Auto and Truck Dealership

Robert Green Auto and Truck Dealership

Robert Green

www.robert-green.com | 845-794-6161

Rolling V Bus Corp.

Rolling V Bus Corp.

Phil Vallone

www.rollingv.com | 845-434-0511

Roscoe Mountain Club

Jami Stankevicius

RoscoeMountainClub.com | 917 3284708

Schmidt's Wholesale Inc.

Schmidt's Wholesale Inc.

Gary Schmidt

www.schmidtswholesale.com | 845-794-5900

Schumacher Systems, Inc.

Schumacher Systems, Inc.

Craig Schumacher, Kori Allen, Brett Schumacher

www.schumachersystems.com | 845.887.5381

SD Land & Cattle Co. Inc

Steve Dubrovsky


Seminary Hill

Seminary Hill

Kayce Drasher

seminaryhill.co | 8457015031

SERVPRO of Orange, Sullivan & S. Ulster

SERVPRO of Orange, Sullivan & S. Ulster

Brittany Johnson, Brittany Johnson

www.SERVPROosu.com | 845-342-3333

Seven X Motors Inc.

Seven X Motors Inc.

Faith Alleva

www.SevenXMotorsINC.Com | 845-583-5110

Silverman Mechanical Corporation

Corey Gipps

| 845-583-6595

Skoda Enterprise Inc.

Jerry Skoda

| 845-434-4373

Solaia Restaurant

Solaia Restaurant


| 845-513-4282

Spartan Landscaping and Snowplowing LLC

Spartan Landscaping and Snowplowing LLC

Vasilios Hondromaras

| 8457012400

Steingart Associates, Inc

Steingart Associates, Inc

Ira Steingart

| 845-434-4321

Steven Vegliante Attorney at Law

Steven Vegliante Attorney at Law

Steven Vegliante

www.Vegliantelaw.com | 8454346688

Sullivan County Board of REALTORS, Inc.

Sullivan County Board of REALTORS, Inc.

Mary Bakalis, James DiNapoli

www.sullivancountyboardofrealtors.com | 845-794-2735

Sullivan County BOCES

Sullivan County BOCES

Dr. Robert Dufour, Donna Hemmer

www.scboces.org | 845-295-4015

Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce

Sullivan County Chamber of Commerce

Jaime Schmeiser

www.catskills.com | 845-791-4200

Sullivan County Democrat

Sullivan County Democrat

Fred Stabbert III

www.sc-democrat.com | 845-887-5200

Sullivan County Visitors Association

Sullivan County Visitors Association

Roberta Byron-Lockwood

sullivancatskills.com | 845-747-4449

Sullivan Fire Protection Corp.

Ira Gold

| 845-434-4030

Sullivan Regency

Sullivan Regency

Charles Brodsky

www.sullivanregency.com | 914-490-3433

Superior Surfacing Systems, LTD.

Superior Surfacing Systems, LTD.

Keith& Susie Reardon

www.superior-surfacing.com | 845-733-5507

TD Bank

TD Bank

Mike Donnelly

td.com | 845-220-2801

Tectonic Engineering Consultants, Geologists & Land Surveyors, D.P.C.

Tectonic Engineering Consultants, Geologists & Land Surveyors, D.P.C.

Mark Stier

www.tectonicengineering.com | 845-534-5959

The Arc Sullivan Orange Counties

The Arc Sullivan Orange Counties

Richard Schwartz

| 845-796-1350

The Center for Discovery, Inc.

The Center for Discovery, Inc.

Courtney Gold

www.thecenterfordiscovery.org | 845-707-8506

The Eldred Preserve

The Eldred Preserve

Scott Samuelson

theeldredpreserve.com | (845) 557-8316

The Pike Company, Inc.

The Pike Company, Inc.

Michael Benson,

www.thepikecompany.com | 518-371-5900

The Storied Experience

The Storied Experience

Samantha Hardcastle

thestoriedexperience.com | 6095773860

Thompson Sanitation Corporation

Thompson Sanitation Corporation

Krissy Walsh, Thompson Sanitation Corporation

www.thompsonsanitation.net | 845-796-1032

Town of Liberty

Town of Liberty

Frank DeMayo

www.townofliberty.com | 845-292-5111

Town of Thompson

Town of Thompson

William Rieber, Jr.

www.townofthompson.com | 845-794-2500

Town of Wallkill Boys & Girls Club, Inc.

Town of Wallkill Boys & Girls Club, Inc.

Lori Rivenburgh, Tom Frambach

www.bgcorange.org | 845-342-8833

Tri-State Drywall & Acoustical, Inc.

Charlotte VanHorn, Christina Bennett

www.tristatedrywall.info | 845-856-8400

Ulster Savings Bank

Ulster Savings Bank

Steve Drobysh

www.ulstersavings.com |

Unique Escapes

Unique Escapes

Vincent Tavernese

www.uniqueescapesny.com | (516) 316-8689

United Rentals

United Rentals

Eric Crane

https://www.unitedrentals.com/ | (845) 562-4560

Van Etten Oil & Propane

Van Etten Oil & Propane

Eli Van Etten

vanettenoil.com | 845-794-5511

Walden Savings Bank

Walden Savings Bank

Derrik R. Wynkoop, President & CEO

waldensavings.bank | 845-457-7700

Waschitz Pavloff CPA

Andrew Pavloff

| 845-794-2200

Wayne Bank

Wayne Bank

John Veleber, Christine Routledge

www.waynebank.com | 607-290-4070

Whitbeck Building & Design, Inc.

Whitbeck Building & Design, Inc.

Phillip Whitbeck, Lori Ferretti

whitbeckbuilding.com | 8454212720

WM Security Services

Wendy morel

Www.wmsecurityllc.com | 8456159272

Work Zone Staffing Inc.

Guennadi Nestoiter

| 917-673-2516