“I happen to think of this as farming,” said Callicoon homeowner Richard Winter of his latest business venture in rural energy and sustainable agriculture. “Farming the sun.” Ten years ago, Winter went looking for place in the mountains, easily accessible to hiking and outdoor activities. The then CEO of a privately held bond investing company […]
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New Programs at SUNY Sullivan Geared Toward Casino
As the county, as well as the mid- Hudson region, has been working to ready itself for the March 2018 opening of the new resort casino, SUNY Sullivan has been developing and refining classes and programs designed to provide people with the various skillsets and competencies necessary to work in the industry. The college recently […]

Montreign’s Army Turning Attention Inward
By the time you read this, the Montreign Resort Casino will be fully enclosed, with interior work ongoing in earnest. “They’re just about done with the curtain wall,” Empire Resorts Executive Vice President Charlie Degliomini confirmed on March 6, referring to the striking bluegreen glass encompassing the 18-story hotel tower near Monticello – already the […]

Two New Providers Join Crystal Run
Crystal Run Healthcare announces the addition of two new providers to the practice. Joining Crystal Run Healthcare are the following: Manveen K. Dassan, MD, earned her Medical Degree from American University of Antigua, College of Medicine in Antigua, West Indies and completed her Residency in Internal Medicine at Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, NY. She […]

CCE is Good Friend to Fallsburg Schools
Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) and Fallsburg Central School District’s (FCSD) working relationship includes CCE’s Healthy Schools Coordinator Mrs. SueAnn Boyd becoming a member of the District’s Wellness Committee. SueAnn and others at the agency have been participating actively in a number of good health related initiatives at FCSD. A major involvement has been collaboration on […]

New Craft Beers Released
Our two local breweries – Roscoe NY Beer Company and Catskill Brewery in Livingston Manor – have been hard at work recently unveiling three new brands. Whitetail Pale Ale, Eye of the Newt, and Bourbon- Maple Imperial Stout are three new brews to tap this month while small batch supplies last. Roscoe Beer brews a […]