Tavern on Main opened last fall and has quickly become a fixture on Jeffersonville’s Main Street. That’s exactly what owners Lauren Seikaly and Michael Huber intended – a place for the community to not only gather, but also sit and stay awhile. Now, the husband-and-wife duo are expanding their business. They purchased surrounding properties and […]
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What is The County of Sullivan IDA?
1969 New York State passed legislation providing for the creation of industrial development agencies (IDAs) to facilitate economic development in specific localities throughout the State. Today there is an IDA in every county in New York State, and many towns, cities and villages also have IDAs. The County of Sullivan IDA was proposed by Sullivan […]

Meet The New Leaders of Sullivan County
“Whatever it takes!” is the motto of this year’s Leadership Sullivan class. The program expands leadership potential of participants through educational platforms designed to broaden individual’s knowledge of the county, improve communication skills, and increase organization and problem solving skills. Recently, the class and members of the community gathered at the Villa Roma for a […]

Partnership Goes ‘Off The Hook’ at Monthly Meeting
The Sullivan County Partnership for Economic Development held its monthly meeting at the new White Lake Restaurant ‘Off the Hook’ and heard updates from Partnership President/CEO Marc Baez on the continued strong economic recovery in the county as well as updates from Deputy County Manager Dan Depew and the principals of Kartrite Hotel & Indoor […]

President’s Message
Indicators underscore change is coming but be open to it To the People: Despite the prolonged winter and cool, wet spring, activity is now accelerating rapidly. The indicators are starting to reflect all of the investment, construction and job creation that is now occurring. Look at any indices in recent months and one can now […]

Sullivan Catskills Hosts FAM Tours For International Travel Market
2018 is off to a busy start. The 2018 Sullivan Catskills travel guide is already seeing re-distribution at various information centers along the I-87 corridor and Rte. 81 information centers. The guide was well received at over 15 trade and travel shows that the Sullivan County Visitors Assn. (SCVA) attends with its member partners as well. SCVA’s website and […]

Delaware Engineering Helping Sullivan County
As Sullivan County continues to grow, the need for smart community development is a high priority. From new municipal buildings to refurbishing water and wastewater systems, Delaware Engineering is becoming an ever-growing part of this development. “Our core business is water and wastewater engineering,” Dave Ohman, a principal of the 31-year-old company, said. “We also can do […]

Real Estate Forecast: Pending Sales Increase 60% in January From a Year Ago
It’s a popular train of thought – January is the worst time to put your house on the market. But this January has proven that age-old adage wrong. Because inventory has been so limited, when a new home comes on the market, it gets a lot of looks very quickly, and often that translates into offers. Real Estate […]

From Start to Finish, Projects Need The Ecological Analysis Advantage
James Bates has been in the economic development field for more than 20 years. And when he says ‘in the field’ it is almost a literal term. Jim shows up before the project starts and, in most instances, is staring at a vacant piece of property. “When I first meet with developers I learn about […]